Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Do You Need To Have A Legal ... - Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer

Do You Need To Have A Legal Qualification To Work In Personal Injury Law?

If you have always wanted to be a practising laywer but did not obtain the grades that you needed to go to university, is there still a chance that you can have the job that you always wanted?

Many people dream of a job in the law with the field of personal injury being one of the most well loved as it allows you to help someone that has suffered a physical injury. But, if you did not obtain the necessary A Levels to win a place at University, can you still obtain a job in the field of personal injury law and work towards your ultimate goal of gaining qualification.

You will be pleased to hear that you can and perhaps even more surprised to hear that you can do it in a variety of ways:

1. Return to full time education (the least appealing for most people if they need to earn an income).

2. Whilst working study to become a Solicitor or a Legal Executive at the same time.

3. Work and study to obtain a Diploma or other industry recognised qualification.

4. Learn your legal expertise whilst working in the legal profession without any qualifications.

We will look at the various options in turn to see how you can still obtain your dream job in the area of personal injury law.

1. Return To Full Time Education.

If you did not like the thought of full time education the firs time around it is not likely that you will want to enter it now, but it does remain an option for you. I won?t spend more time on it as I reckon you will be more interested in the other opportunities below.

2. Work And Study To Become A Legal Executive Or Solicitor.

You can train whilst working to become a Legal Executive. This is a recognised legal qualification that, with changes to the current legal structure of solicitors that are now in place, now allow you to ulimately own a share in a solicitors practice. But, if you work and study and qualify as a Legal Executive you can then, if you choose to, progress to qualify as a solicitor.

Many trainee legal executive positions are offered by solicitors and a large number of these are often in the field of personal injury law. If this is of interest to you, you can find out more information from the Institute of Legal Executives.

3. Work And Study And Obtain A Recognised And Practical Legal Industry Qualification.

If you want to quick track your entrance in the personal injury career market you could obtain a personal injury specific qualification.

A Diploma or a Certificate will cost you less and should make you more attractive as a potential employee than if you have no experience or qualifications at all. An internet search for ?Personal Injury Diploma/Certificate? should show you what is available for you.

4. Work And Learn Your Legal Expertise Without Taking Any Formal Examinations.

The final option is to look for a job that does not require you to have any legal qualifications in the hope that once you are employed you can show how keen you are and your employer might then invest in your future education. You could obtain any of a number of jobs from an office junior to a receptionist or a legal secretary. Your objective could be to just try working in the legal profession to see if it is as you hoped it would be.


You can still work in the legal profession without existing qualifications and I hope this article has given you enough information to show you how you can do it. If it is still your dream, now is the time to take some action!

For fantastic legal training courses visit MASS Legal Training. MASS Training provide cost effective, practical and interactive Personal Injury Courses. Nick Jervis is a Solicitor (non-practising) and a Legal Marketing Consultant for Solicitors and Legal Businesses in The UK and a Director of Samson Consulting.

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