Sunday, May 15, 2011

Memory Techniques for Actors ? Learn the best ... - Self Improvement

Have you ever wondered why actors are capable of memorizing long storylines? Like you may notice the script for any whole movie, it?s contains lots of pages. Especially, if you?re the main actor, you?d be having a lot of dialogues, and when I was the actor, the initial question on my mind is ?how in the world am I likely to remember all that?? well, that?s the actor?s job. However, there is a rote memorization technique?deal with that. It?s nothing flashy, nothing expensive, just a slight change in the process of memorization that proves to be effective, as you can see.?

One of these techniques to improve your memory?that i?m talking about is association. Why name it ?association?? Well, in the word itself, the procedure is associating what with images, pleasant ones. Something that is memorable or something like that that you are really accustomed to and also you would not forget. ?This happens because your brains possess the tendency to block unpleasant images out. When you are performing this, you need to definitely use images which are vivid, vibrant and it has sense. These causes it to be easier to consider compared to the senseless ones. Also, using all your five senses works well. ?Try exaggerating that image in your mind making it humorous, that way you would always remember it. This is true because I have a hard time forgetting funny moments.

Here are also some of the techniques actors use to make their memorization capabilities stronger:

1. Recorder ? reading the scene or the dialogue and recording it on the tape recorder. And then replay it a lot of times and pay attention to it.?
2. Envelope ? familiarize yourself with the script or even the scene after which get an envelope, cover that the main scene yon your script and think of the person?s face while saying those lines and look for the script again if you made it happen correctly.?
3. Writing ? copy and write the lines into a paper but get it done in sequence.?
4. Song ? add some notes on your words, like a melody. Recite the script inside a sing ? song way. (I don?t know if the works)
5. Crazy Dude Technique ? mumble the words to yourself. Get it done as if you are speaking with yourself. Not to mention, it?s also wise to answer yourself, that?s how it is. Warning: you will look totally crazy.

Well, it thinks that?s everything. You could also try combining all of these long term memory techniques?it ensures you?d be memorizing each line. But if you really wanted to know how actors memorize their lines, you need to go question them. I?m confident there is some actor available who does definitely tell you something about it. Or you could even use the internet, Google it in order to find the solution. But to make life easier for you, simply settle down with these things. These are the techniques that have the greatest probability and assurance that actors rely on them. ?


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